Circular Economy Winter School logo

Circular Economy Winter School logo

Winter School

Circular Economy for the Sustainable Bio-based Products: from waste to soil

Online • 15-16 November 2021

Winter School

Circular Economy for the Sustainable Bio-based Products: from waste to soil

15-16 November 2021


Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, the PhD Winter School will be held via zoom but will provide as full a representation of the experiences that attendees would enjoy at an in-person winter school as possible.

Registration and cost

To register please click here. Registration deadline is next 25 October 2021.

The registration fee for the school is 50 EUR to be paid upon registration. Payment is possible by bank transfer or by credit card/PayPal. Further details about the payment procedure are available through your personal myCEWS area.


Abstracts can be submitted exclusively through your personal myCEWS area; you will need to register to have access to the latter.

The abstract submission deadline is 29 October 2021.

The abstract should be submitted by the presenting author only. Each registered participant may submit one or more abstracts. During the submission process, authors have to select their preference for "poster" or "oral presentation" and one of the 4 sessions:

  • Multiple bio-products by biorefinery from organic waste and waste waters
  • Microalgae in the circular economy
  • Microorganisms for waste recycling: potential producers of high value bio-based products
  • Waste biomass utilization, sustainable soil management and climate change mitigation

Abstracts guidelines

  • The title must start in uppercase and continue in lowercase, except for conventional terms (ATP, DNA, NFκB, etc).
  • If more than one author (but only in that case), underline your name (the presenting author, in whatever position you appear in the author list) and use commas to separate the names; do not use 'and' before the last author. The presenting author's first name(s) and surname should be written in full; for all other authors, write first name(s) as initials and surname in full. If more than one affiliation (but only in that case), use sequential superscript numbers to identify each institution. Example:
       Mario Rossi1, J. Doe2, F. Bloggs1,2
       1Dept Biomembranes, Golgi & Veratti Univ., Pavia, Italy
       2Dept Bioblast Analyses, Altmann Univ., Leipzig, Germany
  • The abstract text must be no longer than 2500 characters, spaces included. At the end of the text, please include a maximum of 5 keywords.

Abstract selection

Four abstracts will be selected for each session as oral presentations (12 min + 3 min for Q&A).

Contributors selected as a poster in one of the virtual sessions will be asked to present a 3-minute rapid-fire overview of their poster research.